Al Areejit Solutions JavaScript Development Services
JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows you to implement complex features on web pages, every time a web page does more than just sit there and display static information for you to look at, displaying timely content updates, interactive maps, animated 2D/3D graphics, scrolling video jukeboxes, etc. you can bet that JavaScript is probably involved. It is the third layer of the layer cake of standard web technologies.
Website Development Services
We help you use JavaScript to build dynamic and highly-responsive websites. We also use JavaScript to add behavior to web pages where a page responds to actions without needing to load a new page due to processing. We build high-quality websites that allow users to interact with them and perform complex actions. From personalized flagship pages to payment gateways, e-commerce portals, booking engines, content submission dashboards, and much more - we do it all.
Web App Development Services
With the improvement in browsers and personal computers, it has become possible to use JavaScript to create powerful web applications. For instance, consider Google Maps. To explore in Google Maps, all one needs to do is to click and drag with a mouse. JavaScript works behind the scene to add new details to the maps. We have extensive experience in using JavaScript to create a wide variety of sophisticated web apps.
Mobile App Development Services
At present, more than half of the people who go online prefer to do so through their mobile phones. Hence businesses need to develop high-quality mobile apps. We have extensive experience in using jQuery Mobile and Vue.JS to develop a wide range of mobile web applications. Our expert team also knows how to expertly work with hybrid app development tools like Ionic and Xamarin to create applications that have high functionality, are lightweight, and perform seamlessly across platforms.
Web Server Development Services
We can create a web server using Node.js. One advantage of using Node.js is that it is event-driven and does not wait for the response from the previous call. It goes ahead and moves to the next call. Servers built on Node.js are very quick and do not use buffering to transfer large amounts of data. We also have significant experience in using Express.js, which is a standard server application framework.
Server Application Services
We have extensive experience with using Node.js on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime to build quick and scalable network applications. We can also use JavaScript to handle HTTP requests and generate content. We can write thick applications on the client-end and also write the logic on the server so that cognitive leaps can be performed from one language to the other.